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Header, Sidebar, and Footer Links

Penguin: The Sitewide Link Slayer Let’s start with some history. After Google Penguin 2.0 nearly a year ago, I saw massive increases in sitewide link penalties from clients coming to us for penalty recovery and cleanup. Footer links seemed to be the single hardest hit link type but blogroll and sidebar links were no safer. In…


Why Google is Spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt on Guest Posting

If you haven’t been keeping up, this year Google has launched a major Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) campaign against the practice of guest blogging. Guest blogging is the practice of writing posts on other related blogs in order to expose your company or site to their audiences. It is generally done on relevant sites…


Google Penguin 2.1 – Two Years Later

The Google Penguin algorithm has been the specter for search engine optimization for close to 2 years now… Since Penguin 2.1 last year, webmasters are still asking how this update has impacted their site. From looking at countless penalized sites so far, the conclusion is clear, Google Penguin 2.1 had a significantly greater effect than…